Dear Ms.larue

I heard there was a new animal coming in to town, But when he came he smelled like trash which says something because I eat trash. When he walked by he acted scared oh us. we tried to be nice but he says we hit him. He went to an obedience academy. We were so happy when he left. Then he breaks out of it, and saved his owner.
















Jim Carrey

His family is Rita Carrey, Kathleen Carrey, John Carrey.

He is frome Newmarket, Canada.

He liked to make jokes.

What i have in common with him: me and him love to make jokes.

how he got famous: he tried to get a role in am move and they loved his personality.

side note: he has been in at least 47 moves.

Dueling Mandates in Yellowstone

The wolves were kicked out of Yellowstone for eating to many elk but after 70-years they wore brot back know there are some pros and cons. The wolves can sometimes attack visitors but they can help the elk population stay down, they sometimes go out onto the roads and can get hit by cars but if they get mad we can tame them with food, they can steal food from the visitors but they have taken  down some of the kieodes  in the ariea.

1777 he became the first Chancellor of New York

lost his office in 1777 for participation

helped draft the Declaration of independence

he left Congress

robert livingston

Confederation were adopted

he served his post until 1783

1770 as a member of the continental congress

he was a hard worker everyone loved him


i help my family by help cleaning awer home and . Why we should honor  MLK: we need to honor him be cows he spoke truth in to the people that color doesn’t matter. He said he had a dream and so dreams do come true. Don’t ever think that you “can’t” can’t shud not be in your dictionary. If  he could do it than we can do it and if we help your friends and family it well mack thum wont to help their friends and their family.

The Midnight Ride

Made it in time to worn Hancock and Adams

It’s the redcoats

Don’t forget the mission hang two lanterns not one

Not one but two so there going by sea

It was April 18,1775

got arrested then let go two by sea one by land

not the time to waste we need to get to belfry

it was three not one

Dawes,Revere and prescott

from wikimedia 

Colonial Hatter

1623: A man came in to the shop today and he told me to make him a hat so i did . I made the man a hat but he asked for a feather in it I put the feather in the hat . it was white he  asked for  it to be red i put a red feather in it then he stole the hat . and that’s not the bad part a mouse went in to my food . but i got new food and made myself a sandwich  . a thief  came in to the shop and i made him a free hat i didn’t want him to rob me . A new gentleman  came in to the shop he was a nice man i made him a nice hat with a black strip and a feather he pad and left . my friend came in and asked   for  a hat with folded brim and a red strip . I got some supplies for more hats than i made myself some sup for diner and then i went to bed.